28 June 2007 @ 00:06:00
Changed a new skin.... I LOVE THIS SKIN!!!! It is sooooooo holiday mood.... 我好想放假leh!!!! Yeah I'm tempted to do that you know!!!! Hahaha.....Changed another song... This song is sung by S.H.E. who had just released their latest album- PLAY, the title of this song is 听袁惟仁弹吉他. I find that this song is meaningful and it tells us the listerners how the song-writing thing is hard and their work done are not always accepted by the recording companies.... Something like that.... The previous song put up here, maybe too emo to me (im not sure about you guys....), soooooo...... You know what I mean lah..... Lyrics? Tell me if you want me to put up here....
I decided not to write about the whole stupid ian thingy anymore coz its sooooooo STUPID!!!!! I feel like I'm a immatured kid who just write this kind of stupid stuff with dunno what kind of mindset!!!!!!!! Blehs..... I'm serious de!!!!!!