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12 September 2008 @ 22:52:00
One week has just past, and this is one of the weeks when the days are going way too fast for me man.... No seriously, after all that last minute revision or mugging everyday, I now then realised that today is Friday. Already.


One week has already 悄悄地 past, with the days to our graduation day and the first paper for the o lvls exams are coming closer and closer.... *shivers* and I still like bo-chap like that.....*a little panic liao* wonder how long will I take to wake up from my lalaland?

Hais, really wonder how I would fare for the exams when the papers are going to be returned next week.... Chem paper is a killer, amaths paper 1 and emaths paper 2 quite ok, biology papers are quite ok, shld be able to pass.... physics paper was do-able and emaths paper 1 was a total screwed-up..... :/ Heard that someone from the HCL class failed the paper but was unable to find out who was the fella when I saw mdm tan today... =.='' Hope that it wasnt me..... :)

A note to you:
Please stop reminding us that you are still a father, personally, even though you are still a father in name, but somehow or rather, some/most of your acts doesnt seemed to be what a father would do. I dont mean to accuse that you went to _____________________ (obsence subject to mention), but by bringing your kids to some coffeeshop and to be introduced to some of your 'pervertic' friends does not seem to be one of the fatherly-acts. Then without realising that your daughter is having her exams right at this very crucial period of time, you still have the cheek to ask her if she is able to make it to go to some lame bbq fest with these 'perverts'? Hello, why are you doing this in the absence of mum? Have you actually considered her feelings? I mean, by bringing us to that coffeeshop and get to know some of your 狐朋狗友, you are trying to imply that the number of times that you bring your kids out is way more than that of mum. Is this some kind of competition or what? And I am still amazed that you can still argue that it is no offence to come home late at night, being drunk and smelly, on the account that "is your friends who have invited you along" and that you need some relaxation or whatsoever. Who cares about this, why cant you just sit down and have a nice chat with your wife? I can see that she's not very happy with you and she's been putting up with all your nonsense all along... Oh yes, by the way, I happened to read a section of biology textbook which was talking about emphysema, where persistant and violent coughing breaks the partition walls between the air sacs, and i thought all those violent coughings that took place almost every nights could be the signs of this disease. I hope this would only be my imaginations and not the truth to be told... Since I know that you would not be reading this, maybe I should end this note/rant here...