30 April 2007 @ 20:00:00
sian... the english paper totally sucks!!!! i couldnt even finish the whole summary lah!!!!!!! grrr.... i was like struggling through the questions when other people are already writing their summary liao!!! see how slow i was compared to them!!!!! lolx =x after school, had amaths LSP and mrs samsol gave out the recent amaths test back to the whole class... she was rather annoyed coz this test was badly done and only 22 people out of the class passed the test!!!!! sadly, i wasnt the 22 of them. *sigh* T.T
then went to t's house to help t to change water for the stupid bio project... kena sprayed by t's brother with his **** bottle and he still DARE to say 'it was an ACCIDENT!' wa lao...... damn u little TOOT!!!!! grrrrr.....ending post.... oh yes, thx t for helping mi to buy the bubble tea for mi!!!!!!!! if not, i have to wait for dunno how long before i can buy that cup of milk shake.... THANKS ALOT PAL!!!!!! X)
25 April 2007 @ 20:41:00
one more post from mi again........ sorry for not blogging last friday n saturday cos i was sick on these two days..... =.=
friday had our movie screening. turnout wasnt as expected, coz the english teachers were not really that co-operative after all......... =( the popcorn making was kinda fun but i didnt have the mood to enjoy cos i was veri sick at tat time.... *sigh* then as more n more people came n stood in front of the counter, i went to the workshop to rest.... was so sian n sicky at the same time lah....
skip to the announcement of the new committee of 2007/2008, cos i didnt had the mood to watch the movie at all.... =( it was kind of surprise, especially when my name was read out under the SECRETARY post, cos there were rumours that im the vice president of the committee, but anyway, im still in the main committee, so its still a good thing. X)
here listed is the new committee of year 2007/2008: congratulations to all who hav made it to the main commitee. x)
today, had 2 LSPs in in one afternoon!!!! so PRO ar???? lolx...... had amaths LSP first, learnt the cubic equations, was quite fun n was beginning to like amaths. x) then ss LSP, mr cheong was kena forced by us to order pizza for us coz we had 2 LSPs in afternoon leh!!!! =p THANK YOU, MR CHEONG!!!! *clap clap clap*
19 April 2007 @ 21:35:00
today had oral exam with the sec 4s.... suppose to feel stress up, but i wasnt nervous at all!!!! SICK right??? lol... then decided to do homework coz its like those people from my class who came for the exam are so HARDWORKING lor...... zzz..... stupid lah that examiner..... said complained that our chinese standard are weak, then dun understand the question she asked to the people she was testing, bla bla bla..... talk CRAP lah!!!!!!!!! lol.......... then WL came n ka-chiao WS...... about YQ obviously... =D WL kept asking me about YQ.... i was about to tell her the story when tat teacher called my name..... grrrrrr........ when i went up to the examiner, i was so_________ (wasnt able to use to describe my feelings at that time)...... i tot everything is going to be fine until the examiner asked me this question 'how are u going to prevent materialism from getting worse in our teenagers?' (something like this) n i was kena stunned ny the question!!!!!!!!! ARGH....... :x
after the exam, decided to go library to pass message to YQ about tomoro, saw the librarians like got nothing to do, told auntie tat going down to have but something, (but i was actually looking for WL to tell her the story........ =p).... so i went down, couldnt look for her, so i bought my things n went up......... then as i was walking up, i saw mdm tan(not the english teacher, but my chinese teacher hor...). she asked me to pass message to SL, so i did.... n i became the messenger between them for tat few minutes, running up n down the stairs..... then after pasing my last message to SL, i was about to close the door when wk SUDDENLY turned around n said 'bye-bye' to mi!!!!!!! i was stunned by the act lar!!!!!!! cos i dint noticed him when i was passing messages to SL..... 'dots' see? i cant even believe tat im kena being stun n scared by things within 1 HOUR!!!! so weak hearted sia.........
18 April 2007 @ 20:22:00
Didn’t blog yesterday coz I was really in need of rest, n the time needed for me to mug for my e maths n geography tests today…. Sian lah…. I totally screwed up the WHOLE physics test yesterday n I was like ‘oh shit, what is the formula for this question????’ and ‘whoa lao, what is the definition for this law, that law ar????’ =/ I wonder how I am going to pass my physics mid year exams if I continue to be like that… mug mug mug!!!!! JIA YOU FOR THE COMING MID YEAR, EVERYONE!!!!
Monday, we had our chemistry lesson with Mrs Singh… she was teaching us the covalent bonding thing, and I DIDN’T SLEPT during the lesson!!!!! Isn’t that amazing???? Hahaha….. *lame la whoa lao…. -.-* I then realised the reason why I didn’t fell asleep… it was because she was teaching and talking so fast that I practically have to pay attention to what she’s talking, if not, I would be way behind when she continues to teach the class….. after the lesson, she walked out of the class, without even asking us to bid her farewell like what other teachers always do and shermaine was like, ‘whoa, she so ____________(I apologise for having such a short term memory), just walk out of the class like that???’ I told her that she is the HOD leh, must be having a lot of things to be done, so she must be rushing for time... then I saw A was writing ’30 YEARS IN SERVICE!!’ beside those stuff she written n I was thinking, ‘those bonds served us for 30YEARS???’ lol! It was then I saw wk writing ‘3E5 SALUTES!’, I then realised what they were all ‘crapping’ about.. =p
Tuesday, that idiotic kiddo PS-ed n treated mi like a piece of shit again.... u noe hu im referring to, do you? u should noe hor..... i asked u a question, n u asked me to ask around instead of asking u!!!!!!!!! what the heck r u thinking????? i asked u coz u r sitting beside mi, n u asked me to asked people around me instead of u!!!! f*** u lah.... n if u r reading this post, dun bother to apologise to me again, i seriously think that im worthless in ur mind n u would rather talk to other people than talking me, am i right? YES!!! of course, ur mind must be SCREAMING this answer!!!!
had geography n e maths tests today..... was rather disappointed coz i didnt finished my geography paper n more importantly, I KNEW ALL THE ANSWERS TO THIS PAPER BUT I JUST DIDNT HAVE THE TIME TO FINISH IT!!!!!!!!! argh....... e maths test papers was quite ok, but i dun think i will score well for this paper, coz i was in the rush of finishing all the questions as fast as possible... =x after school, we had our class performance rehearsal in the hall, n we were asked to stand like what the choir people did when they had to perform on the steps, this same idiotic kiddo AGAIN PS-ed me!!!! dont u think i should ignore this person??? the answer is OBVIOUS!!! she keep treating me like a piece of shit, and yet she keep tagging with me when there's a need to do something on our own or whatever crap that's happening around.... pls lor, i would tag along with someone who doesnt bath than to tag with u lar!!!! enough of ur CRAP pls, im tired of u keep ps-ing me.... i would rather tag with other people than u lor, pls lah. also, it doesnt seem to me that u r the ONE AND ONLY buddy i hav, i hav my JY,ST, YQ, N, HL, H to tag along n to talk to mahx!!!!!
tag away u girl!!!!! *shoo!!!!!!* u r just wasting my space only to let out all my fustrations about u!!!! *SHOOOO!!!!!!!!*
12 April 2007 @ 23:05:00
yq was telling and showing me her file where her frns had vandalised it using masking tapes and on theses masking tapes were names of the guys she had crushed on, talked to them and watever crap...... actuallly had taken photos of the vandilised files with hl's phone yesterday but today, she(as in yq) decided to remove these masking tapes!!!! so, i took those disgusting smelly masking tapes with the camera at home... here are the photos i took....
designed by sarah.... x) purposely put this photo together with the previous one.....
u noe wat i mean. -.-
next pic, her previous so-called crush?????? wasnt cleared abt tat....... the one she claimed cute abt..... but personnaly dun think so.... oops....:x dunno y she called him 'my father!' LOLx!!!! =) uncle wong (nicknamed by her)..... dunno y lemon tree lehs...... =p few more vandilised masking tapes..... but i too lazy to take pics of them liao..... somemore the camera battery is running low... so din take the rest...... anywaes the rest are just some rubbish only, dun bother asking me whose names are on there remaining vandalised masking tapes... x)
last words......yq, ver very very sry ar.... sry sry sry........ =/
11 April 2007 @ 20:06:00
actually had nothing to rite about... but decided to rite tis after meeting someone he 'so-called' related to.....
i didnt even realised that he's that pervertic until xy told mi about u months ago n s told mi even more abt u during lesson time, u ar veri the 变态 leh....... can even tell the whole group that u would like to have sex change bla bla bla....i noticed u had been laughing non-stop since the moment i shared on my fav past time... at first, i tot u were laughing at me........ however after s had finished her idea, she told me tat u mus be thinking tat something 变态 one, if not, u would not be laughing since i shared my idea to the group, right??????feeling so disgusted lah...... ewwwwwwwwww...........
9 April 2007 @ 20:32:00
arrr....... damn sian....... todae had PD, walked around the school 1 and a half times..... really, i walked around for 1 and a half times coz for the first round i go shortcut de, the so-called 2nd round i actually wanted to go shortcut again de, but then ws saw mi walking so she asked mi to join her so...... i ended up walking 1 and a half rounds lor...... x) one more thing b4 i stop..... mr ACH and AJ, can u pls stop calling mi the 'FUTURE PRESIDENT' le hor..... can???? AJ, u still can sae wat, outside i sae sae ony, but deep inside mi i veri song upon hearing tis.... walao, u crazy ar???? president not fun lor, some more i dun hav the leadership quality lor..... president should be becca mahx.... u all hor...... *sigh* -end-
3 April 2007 @ 20:01:00
councillors' investiture todae...... was quite ok, i wasnt as excited as how i felt when i was in sec 1, seriously. i was like hoping tat tis dae would come when i was in sec 1 n now, im like numb with the things tat r happening around mi, aso i din realise tat how time flies until the moment im sitting down at the audiences' seats.....
ok, enough of the emo stuff..... talk about the investiture tat happened todae. things were kind of smooth-going until ivan read the wrong names of the outgoing EXCO committee members.... -.-' kind of surprised tat the CO members make it for the investiture, actually tot tat they couldnt make it due to the SYF.... =p anywae, was proud of e5 coz the important posts like president, vice presidents were taken up by those frm our class!!!! clap clap clap...... *congrats to candy, arnold, wee keat, shu ling, qiu rong, xin yu, yang jin, justin, shermeen...... for getting to the EXCO* ok, i noe tis is lame...... :x
after school, gathered all the brave souls for the typhoid injection....... yq saw wk wearing the suit n called him 'UNCLE WONG'!!!!!!!! lol... i was like 'he look old meh?' hahah...... yq said she nvr seen him in tis suit n he looked as if he was 10 yrs older than her!!!!!!!! wa lao, so exaggerated lor..... =p
typhoid injection was so ____.... i was like trying to think of some other things when the nurse told me tat the whole injection finished...... whoa so FAST sia!!!! i cant even feel anything except the tip of the needle poking my skin n wat happen next i didn feel anything.... =)
by the way yq, the injection is not as scarily as wat u think hor....... =)
2 April 2007 @ 16:27:00
nothing to blog about...... jus feeling blue n pissed off cos of tis gurl.... cannot be trusted one.... once u give her ur trust, she will abuse it, take an advantage of u n do the things which u can never tot tat she will do it.... :'(
she teased me about mi liking him, asking mi y im behaving 'abnormal' to her, blah blah blah...... F*** U LAH!!!!! TOOT!!!!!!!! (i noe im jus trying to b sophiscated ony =/) cant u think of how i FEEL before u crap?????
i noe u mus b thinking how come i can change my mood tat fast ar????? its not tat i changed my mood tat fast, aso not becoz i hav mood-swings, its jus tat i hav reached my boiling point liao, but i dun wan to explode in front of u, so i treated u as invisible....... =x if not i will scream at u like a mad person.........
Hellohello, i'm HUIYI!
Love me like i do, kaes? :)
Ngee Ann Poly
Best viewed with Chrome/Firefox.
30 April 2007 @ 20:00:00
sian... the english paper totally sucks!!!! i couldnt even finish the whole summary lah!!!!!!! grrr.... i was like struggling through the questions when other people are already writing their summary liao!!! see how slow i was compared to them!!!!! lolx =x after school, had amaths LSP and mrs samsol gave out the recent amaths test back to the whole class... she was rather annoyed coz this test was badly done and only 22 people out of the class passed the test!!!!! sadly, i wasnt the 22 of them. *sigh* T.T
then went to t's house to help t to change water for the stupid bio project... kena sprayed by t's brother with his **** bottle and he still DARE to say 'it was an ACCIDENT!' wa lao...... damn u little TOOT!!!!! grrrrr.....ending post.... oh yes, thx t for helping mi to buy the bubble tea for mi!!!!!!!! if not, i have to wait for dunno how long before i can buy that cup of milk shake.... THANKS ALOT PAL!!!!!! X)
25 April 2007 @ 20:41:00
one more post from mi again........ sorry for not blogging last friday n saturday cos i was sick on these two days..... =.=
friday had our movie screening. turnout wasnt as expected, coz the english teachers were not really that co-operative after all......... =( the popcorn making was kinda fun but i didnt have the mood to enjoy cos i was veri sick at tat time.... *sigh* then as more n more people came n stood in front of the counter, i went to the workshop to rest.... was so sian n sicky at the same time lah....
skip to the announcement of the new committee of 2007/2008, cos i didnt had the mood to watch the movie at all.... =( it was kind of surprise, especially when my name was read out under the SECRETARY post, cos there were rumours that im the vice president of the committee, but anyway, im still in the main committee, so its still a good thing. X)
here listed is the new committee of year 2007/2008: congratulations to all who hav made it to the main commitee. x)
today, had 2 LSPs in in one afternoon!!!! so PRO ar???? lolx...... had amaths LSP first, learnt the cubic equations, was quite fun n was beginning to like amaths. x) then ss LSP, mr cheong was kena forced by us to order pizza for us coz we had 2 LSPs in afternoon leh!!!! =p THANK YOU, MR CHEONG!!!! *clap clap clap*
19 April 2007 @ 21:35:00
today had oral exam with the sec 4s.... suppose to feel stress up, but i wasnt nervous at all!!!! SICK right??? lol... then decided to do homework coz its like those people from my class who came for the exam are so HARDWORKING lor...... zzz..... stupid lah that examiner..... said complained that our chinese standard are weak, then dun understand the question she asked to the people she was testing, bla bla bla..... talk CRAP lah!!!!!!!!! lol.......... then WL came n ka-chiao WS...... about YQ obviously... =D WL kept asking me about YQ.... i was about to tell her the story when tat teacher called my name..... grrrrrr........ when i went up to the examiner, i was so_________ (wasnt able to use to describe my feelings at that time)...... i tot everything is going to be fine until the examiner asked me this question 'how are u going to prevent materialism from getting worse in our teenagers?' (something like this) n i was kena stunned ny the question!!!!!!!!! ARGH....... :x
after the exam, decided to go library to pass message to YQ about tomoro, saw the librarians like got nothing to do, told auntie tat going down to have but something, (but i was actually looking for WL to tell her the story........ =p).... so i went down, couldnt look for her, so i bought my things n went up......... then as i was walking up, i saw mdm tan(not the english teacher, but my chinese teacher hor...). she asked me to pass message to SL, so i did.... n i became the messenger between them for tat few minutes, running up n down the stairs..... then after pasing my last message to SL, i was about to close the door when wk SUDDENLY turned around n said 'bye-bye' to mi!!!!!!! i was stunned by the act lar!!!!!!! cos i dint noticed him when i was passing messages to SL..... 'dots' see? i cant even believe tat im kena being stun n scared by things within 1 HOUR!!!! so weak hearted sia.........
18 April 2007 @ 20:22:00
Didn’t blog yesterday coz I was really in need of rest, n the time needed for me to mug for my e maths n geography tests today…. Sian lah…. I totally screwed up the WHOLE physics test yesterday n I was like ‘oh shit, what is the formula for this question????’ and ‘whoa lao, what is the definition for this law, that law ar????’ =/ I wonder how I am going to pass my physics mid year exams if I continue to be like that… mug mug mug!!!!! JIA YOU FOR THE COMING MID YEAR, EVERYONE!!!!
Monday, we had our chemistry lesson with Mrs Singh… she was teaching us the covalent bonding thing, and I DIDN’T SLEPT during the lesson!!!!! Isn’t that amazing???? Hahaha….. *lame la whoa lao…. -.-* I then realised the reason why I didn’t fell asleep… it was because she was teaching and talking so fast that I practically have to pay attention to what she’s talking, if not, I would be way behind when she continues to teach the class….. after the lesson, she walked out of the class, without even asking us to bid her farewell like what other teachers always do and shermaine was like, ‘whoa, she so ____________(I apologise for having such a short term memory), just walk out of the class like that???’ I told her that she is the HOD leh, must be having a lot of things to be done, so she must be rushing for time... then I saw A was writing ’30 YEARS IN SERVICE!!’ beside those stuff she written n I was thinking, ‘those bonds served us for 30YEARS???’ lol! It was then I saw wk writing ‘3E5 SALUTES!’, I then realised what they were all ‘crapping’ about.. =p
Tuesday, that idiotic kiddo PS-ed n treated mi like a piece of shit again.... u noe hu im referring to, do you? u should noe hor..... i asked u a question, n u asked me to ask around instead of asking u!!!!!!!!! what the heck r u thinking????? i asked u coz u r sitting beside mi, n u asked me to asked people around me instead of u!!!! f*** u lah.... n if u r reading this post, dun bother to apologise to me again, i seriously think that im worthless in ur mind n u would rather talk to other people than talking me, am i right? YES!!! of course, ur mind must be SCREAMING this answer!!!!
had geography n e maths tests today..... was rather disappointed coz i didnt finished my geography paper n more importantly, I KNEW ALL THE ANSWERS TO THIS PAPER BUT I JUST DIDNT HAVE THE TIME TO FINISH IT!!!!!!!!! argh....... e maths test papers was quite ok, but i dun think i will score well for this paper, coz i was in the rush of finishing all the questions as fast as possible... =x after school, we had our class performance rehearsal in the hall, n we were asked to stand like what the choir people did when they had to perform on the steps, this same idiotic kiddo AGAIN PS-ed me!!!! dont u think i should ignore this person??? the answer is OBVIOUS!!! she keep treating me like a piece of shit, and yet she keep tagging with me when there's a need to do something on our own or whatever crap that's happening around.... pls lor, i would tag along with someone who doesnt bath than to tag with u lar!!!! enough of ur CRAP pls, im tired of u keep ps-ing me.... i would rather tag with other people than u lor, pls lah. also, it doesnt seem to me that u r the ONE AND ONLY buddy i hav, i hav my JY,ST, YQ, N, HL, H to tag along n to talk to mahx!!!!!
tag away u girl!!!!! *shoo!!!!!!* u r just wasting my space only to let out all my fustrations about u!!!! *SHOOOO!!!!!!!!*
12 April 2007 @ 23:05:00
yq was telling and showing me her file where her frns had vandalised it using masking tapes and on theses masking tapes were names of the guys she had crushed on, talked to them and watever crap...... actuallly had taken photos of the vandilised files with hl's phone yesterday but today, she(as in yq) decided to remove these masking tapes!!!! so, i took those disgusting smelly masking tapes with the camera at home... here are the photos i took....
designed by sarah.... x) purposely put this photo together with the previous one.....
u noe wat i mean. -.-
next pic, her previous so-called crush?????? wasnt cleared abt tat....... the one she claimed cute abt..... but personnaly dun think so.... oops....:x dunno y she called him 'my father!' LOLx!!!! =) uncle wong (nicknamed by her)..... dunno y lemon tree lehs...... =p few more vandilised masking tapes..... but i too lazy to take pics of them liao..... somemore the camera battery is running low... so din take the rest...... anywaes the rest are just some rubbish only, dun bother asking me whose names are on there remaining vandalised masking tapes... x)
last words......yq, ver very very sry ar.... sry sry sry........ =/
11 April 2007 @ 20:06:00
actually had nothing to rite about... but decided to rite tis after meeting someone he 'so-called' related to.....
i didnt even realised that he's that pervertic until xy told mi about u months ago n s told mi even more abt u during lesson time, u ar veri the 变态 leh....... can even tell the whole group that u would like to have sex change bla bla bla....i noticed u had been laughing non-stop since the moment i shared on my fav past time... at first, i tot u were laughing at me........ however after s had finished her idea, she told me tat u mus be thinking tat something 变态 one, if not, u would not be laughing since i shared my idea to the group, right??????feeling so disgusted lah...... ewwwwwwwwww...........
9 April 2007 @ 20:32:00
arrr....... damn sian....... todae had PD, walked around the school 1 and a half times..... really, i walked around for 1 and a half times coz for the first round i go shortcut de, the so-called 2nd round i actually wanted to go shortcut again de, but then ws saw mi walking so she asked mi to join her so...... i ended up walking 1 and a half rounds lor...... x) one more thing b4 i stop..... mr ACH and AJ, can u pls stop calling mi the 'FUTURE PRESIDENT' le hor..... can???? AJ, u still can sae wat, outside i sae sae ony, but deep inside mi i veri song upon hearing tis.... walao, u crazy ar???? president not fun lor, some more i dun hav the leadership quality lor..... president should be becca mahx.... u all hor...... *sigh* -end-
3 April 2007 @ 20:01:00
councillors' investiture todae...... was quite ok, i wasnt as excited as how i felt when i was in sec 1, seriously. i was like hoping tat tis dae would come when i was in sec 1 n now, im like numb with the things tat r happening around mi, aso i din realise tat how time flies until the moment im sitting down at the audiences' seats.....
ok, enough of the emo stuff..... talk about the investiture tat happened todae. things were kind of smooth-going until ivan read the wrong names of the outgoing EXCO committee members.... -.-' kind of surprised tat the CO members make it for the investiture, actually tot tat they couldnt make it due to the SYF.... =p anywae, was proud of e5 coz the important posts like president, vice presidents were taken up by those frm our class!!!! clap clap clap...... *congrats to candy, arnold, wee keat, shu ling, qiu rong, xin yu, yang jin, justin, shermeen...... for getting to the EXCO* ok, i noe tis is lame...... :x
after school, gathered all the brave souls for the typhoid injection....... yq saw wk wearing the suit n called him 'UNCLE WONG'!!!!!!!! lol... i was like 'he look old meh?' hahah...... yq said she nvr seen him in tis suit n he looked as if he was 10 yrs older than her!!!!!!!! wa lao, so exaggerated lor..... =p
typhoid injection was so ____.... i was like trying to think of some other things when the nurse told me tat the whole injection finished...... whoa so FAST sia!!!! i cant even feel anything except the tip of the needle poking my skin n wat happen next i didn feel anything.... =)
by the way yq, the injection is not as scarily as wat u think hor....... =)
2 April 2007 @ 16:27:00
nothing to blog about...... jus feeling blue n pissed off cos of tis gurl.... cannot be trusted one.... once u give her ur trust, she will abuse it, take an advantage of u n do the things which u can never tot tat she will do it.... :'(
she teased me about mi liking him, asking mi y im behaving 'abnormal' to her, blah blah blah...... F*** U LAH!!!!! TOOT!!!!!!!! (i noe im jus trying to b sophiscated ony =/) cant u think of how i FEEL before u crap?????
i noe u mus b thinking how come i can change my mood tat fast ar????? its not tat i changed my mood tat fast, aso not becoz i hav mood-swings, its jus tat i hav reached my boiling point liao, but i dun wan to explode in front of u, so i treated u as invisible....... =x if not i will scream at u like a mad person.........