31 July 2007 @ 20:54:00
how is it like when you have been INSULTED by two different people within a week??? im sure u feel angry and maybe sad...... i thought i was able to take feedbacks since the beginning of this second half of the year but now, i realise my ability is not up to the standard which i had set...
Insult Feedback #1- i was crushing the ice for the cafe and there comes that freakingly-overly hao-lian (or rather, overly ego and pampered) junior... when she saw me hitting the ice pack, guess what she said??? she started insulting giving me feedbacks on how i should hit the ice pack WITH THE USAGE OF WORDS SUCH AS "U STUPID LEH!!!!" !!!!! oh, like as if she knows what technique to use to hit the pack lah!!!! some more her skill wasnt as good as mine lah, still want to give your insults feedbacks.... =.=
this particular junior then went on complaining and asking why she had to do the same action- ie. getting a glass of ice from the ice pack for the people who were making drinks- over and over again.... what the TOOT lah!!!! she was the only person who was standing nearer to the ice pack and that's why she was being asked to put get the ice from the ice pack lah, how come such a simple thing she also cannot even understand??? must she be the one making the drinks or to do the cashier stuff??? why cant she just STOP complaining just for one moment on the job she was doing??? blehs.....
Insult Feedback #2- that a****** teacher must be having PMS again, if not, she wouldnt be scolding me again de!!!! what the TOOT!!!! ever since the coffee aka ice-blended mocha incident, she kind of keep picking on me cause she FELT that i wasnt good in making coffees perhaps??? she picked on me today just to check on me how i was making progress in RE-LEARNING how to make the 3 basic coffees... haiz... even though i have the basics, but honestly, i'm not picking those stuff as fast as i could, like those few times in the past..... maybe im too ______ le ba..... haiz...... then she went back insulting scolding me that i wasnt as seng-mok as the others and also dunno whatever crap... wa-lao, how can she do this to me!!!! i was trying my best to serve and help my fellow team-mates and this is the RESULT i get!!!!! ALSO, I WASNT FEELING WELL TODAY LOR!!!! what the TOOT!!!!!! then she went on rattling whatever crap on teaching me making the coffees again.... =.=
i thought i was the only person in the shift who thinks that this teacher sucks rocks, but it turned out that another junior of mine also share the same mindset as me!!!! YEAH!!!! another twin!!!! hahahas..... XD ending with a pic to tell you how emo i was today.... lols... BUT, EMO is not LOVE!!!!
23 July 2007 @ 16:26:00
- - -
stupid blogger.......... hai wo type de post until halfway kena cut off........ bbbbbbbbbbbrrrrrrrrr.... changing skin now.... updates later... =)
13 July 2007 @ 21:02:00
long long long days.... tiring and long week....... had my first contact with o levels on wednesday, its so undescrible to me...... then the opening of the HIVE on thursday..... today wanted to went out to buy stuff for cafe, but didnt had money so couldn't go..... hais....
talking about the opening of the HIVE----
skipped the crappy assembly in order to better prepare for the so-called 'NEXT BIG THING'..... heard that tat coffee-shop uncle reprimanded the school again.... luckily never attend the assembly, if not, i sure fall asleep de!!!!!! hahahas..... back to the 'NEXT BIG THING' again.... have to admit something first.... that LYQ and gang friend are SLACKERS!!!! they like did nothing before the 'grand opening' and went to watch the stupid assembly from third level..... haiz.... first customers of the cafe award goes to..... XIN YU AND JESSICA!!!!!! they came to cafe before we started our business proper... hehx... When the cafe finally opened, it was SO busy that i was screaming or rather shouting at my voice and also running here and there to pass the orders... tired sia..... had a free mango italian soda (paid by huiling, thanks senior!!!), it was nice except it was a bit sour.... stood for the rest of the day until 4 plus.... then we cleaned up the cafe and had our debriefby becca... she sounded soooo camp instructor lah!!!!! hahahs..... went home to rest my knees after that.
school today was kinda ok, except for the debate thing that took place during english class which made everyone in class laughed.... jun yang kept ringing the bell and the ian kept on rattling his theory on the motion with samuel.... junyang then went on posing with the bell... so funny lah!!!! the bell sounded like jun yang was the ice-cream man who tried attracting people to buy ice-cream lah!!!! lols.... {edited}went for CCA later... nothing much to talk about coz that joker was there and was trying to ka-chiao me again.... but then it was him who brought the laughter to us de, so cannot scold him... hehehs.... then went back to work-room to re-wrap a book that was kind of badly wrapped by a junior.... then help auntie to record the new books and those stuff.... joshua came in to slack and had a kind of weird conversation with him...me: u sent hazel home liao ar?joshua: ______________________ (can't exactly remember what he said....)(silence)me: u and hazel stead liao? (stupid me went on asking this kind of crap question.. blur me...)joshua: ya. u also know liao ar... they all big mouth de....(long long awkward silence)joshua: mr lee looks so young here! (he was flipping through the school's yearbook then)me: *sniggers* (dunno what had happened to me then....)*super long awkard silence until chin heng asked him out to play soccer*.-end-.
*****shermaine, FOR YOUR INFO, i'm not going to post about what happened during the debate about the legs!!!!! it's so embarrassing lah!!!! i dun even wnat to think about it lah!!!!!! and please stop telling me how 幸福 i was hor!!!!!!! rrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! i think im blushing.... hahahs.....*****
11 July 2007 @ 20:37:00
Note: there might be some negative words in this entry so i decided to kind of filter them of. but however at the later part of the entry, i decided not to do so in order to let u know what happen exactly... hahas.... enjoy! X) i'm getting happy again..... all thanks to you ms ****!!!! i love you so much!!!! u make me sooo happy and delighted for the rest of my day that i decided to blog this down!!!!! i was feeling so nervy after i finished my oral that i was talking about the oral happenings ever since i stepped into the Quarantine room... aiyah, let's skip this and go straight to the so-called cafe meeting then.
meeting at 1530.. she was early AGAIN.... always like that..... hais..... she started ordering us to do this and that, i tried to be helpful so offered to do things for her.... see? how nice i was and she treated me like that!!!! what the TOOT!!!!! later, after i finished the things she asked me to do, SHE STARTED TREATING ME AS THOUGH I WAS INVISIBLE!!!!! then she asked me to flatten the box for her.... and guess what???? she went on teaching other ppl how to make the lameo thing!!!!!!!! then after for dunno how long, she asked me for help, BUT REALISING THAT I WAS STILL FLATTENING THE BOX (which was my third), SHE DECIDED NOT TO. hello??? WHAT THE HELL WERE U THINKING THEN???? I HAD FLATTEN 3 LARGE AND BULKY BOXES AND U THOUGHT THAT I WAS STILL FLATTENING ONE????? please lah, i'm not that inefficient until i was still doing that same box by the time u call de hor!!!!!! WHAT THE TOOT!!!!!!!fine, if u are gonna treating me like this forever, i won't mind de, coz i will still be nice to u. but why in the first place u want to put my name in the list???? for fun? or u just want to humililate me?????? i mus be tat awful to u all huh.....
8 July 2007 @ 21:56:00
friday was be-yourself-day. wore a casual outfit and i literally feel that shermaine is getting more and more_____.... =.= dun want to say any more.... haiz...... saw yuwen wearing gothic style clothes with xiao xia.... veri punk siah.....class photos were given.... apologies for my poor phototaking skills.....
yesterday was 070707- live earth!!!! did u thought of trying to save the earth???? =)
@ 20:54:00
hahaha.... very funny....
Death through drugs/alcohol

You are going to die drowning after drinking too much/doing too many drugs. Dying like all of the greatest rockers ?because you live like one. You like to party and experiment with perception. Rock on hippie.
Take this quiz at QuizGalaxy.com |
im gonna to die like this???? OMG!!!!!!! hope that this a joke.....
4 July 2007 @ 20:45:00
busy.... so won't be updating the blog as often.....it's getting more and more busy as time goes by, with the opening of the cafe coming up, i still have my coming O levels oral, CCA meetings and.... TONS OF SCHOOL WORK!!!!! *screams* i am beginning to feel the stress coming up liaos.......can't say whether i would want to go for the checking of the cafe tomorrow.... very sian leh.... feel like sleeping in class when ms *** was teaching..... then ended up poking my palm with my pencil in will of trying to keep myself up.... hahahs.....*restlessness....* blehs.....--blogging about yesterday--was cleaning up the cafe with ppl when this bastard came up and ka-chiao us.... sec 1 leh.... still dare to say vulgarities at us.... WHAT THE TOOT lah....... oy we all ur seniors leh, n u still want to fight with us???? fight lah!!! i not scared, as long as you kena caught by mrs yang n something VERY BAD happens to you then, 我就心满意足了.... hahah i sound so bad.... but then, how would you feel if you and your team is trying to clean up a place and this idiot come and disturb u people???? im sure you would feel angry de!!!! all your hard work you have put in you know???? what the heck is this idiot thinking???? ms LYQ and gang, i guess you are attracting some 渣滓 from nowhere to come and disturb us. if not, how come you are talking to him???? i guess you must know him well de ba...**** lah you, asshole!!!!!
Hellohello, i'm HUIYI!
Love me like i do, kaes? :)
Ngee Ann Poly
Best viewed with Chrome/Firefox.
31 July 2007 @ 20:54:00
how is it like when you have been INSULTED by two different people within a week??? im sure u feel angry and maybe sad...... i thought i was able to take feedbacks since the beginning of this second half of the year but now, i realise my ability is not up to the standard which i had set...
Insult Feedback #1- i was crushing the ice for the cafe and there comes that freakingly-overly hao-lian (or rather, overly ego and pampered) junior... when she saw me hitting the ice pack, guess what she said??? she started insulting giving me feedbacks on how i should hit the ice pack WITH THE USAGE OF WORDS SUCH AS "U STUPID LEH!!!!" !!!!! oh, like as if she knows what technique to use to hit the pack lah!!!! some more her skill wasnt as good as mine lah, still want to give your insults feedbacks.... =.=
this particular junior then went on complaining and asking why she had to do the same action- ie. getting a glass of ice from the ice pack for the people who were making drinks- over and over again.... what the TOOT lah!!!! she was the only person who was standing nearer to the ice pack and that's why she was being asked to put get the ice from the ice pack lah, how come such a simple thing she also cannot even understand??? must she be the one making the drinks or to do the cashier stuff??? why cant she just STOP complaining just for one moment on the job she was doing??? blehs.....
Insult Feedback #2- that a****** teacher must be having PMS again, if not, she wouldnt be scolding me again de!!!! what the TOOT!!!! ever since the coffee aka ice-blended mocha incident, she kind of keep picking on me cause she FELT that i wasnt good in making coffees perhaps??? she picked on me today just to check on me how i was making progress in RE-LEARNING how to make the 3 basic coffees... haiz... even though i have the basics, but honestly, i'm not picking those stuff as fast as i could, like those few times in the past..... maybe im too ______ le ba..... haiz...... then she went back insulting scolding me that i wasnt as seng-mok as the others and also dunno whatever crap... wa-lao, how can she do this to me!!!! i was trying my best to serve and help my fellow team-mates and this is the RESULT i get!!!!! ALSO, I WASNT FEELING WELL TODAY LOR!!!! what the TOOT!!!!!! then she went on rattling whatever crap on teaching me making the coffees again.... =.=
i thought i was the only person in the shift who thinks that this teacher sucks rocks, but it turned out that another junior of mine also share the same mindset as me!!!! YEAH!!!! another twin!!!! hahahas..... XD ending with a pic to tell you how emo i was today.... lols... BUT, EMO is not LOVE!!!!
23 July 2007 @ 16:26:00
- - -
stupid blogger.......... hai wo type de post until halfway kena cut off........ bbbbbbbbbbbrrrrrrrrr.... changing skin now.... updates later... =)
13 July 2007 @ 21:02:00
long long long days.... tiring and long week....... had my first contact with o levels on wednesday, its so undescrible to me...... then the opening of the HIVE on thursday..... today wanted to went out to buy stuff for cafe, but didnt had money so couldn't go..... hais....
talking about the opening of the HIVE----
skipped the crappy assembly in order to better prepare for the so-called 'NEXT BIG THING'..... heard that tat coffee-shop uncle reprimanded the school again.... luckily never attend the assembly, if not, i sure fall asleep de!!!!!! hahahas..... back to the 'NEXT BIG THING' again.... have to admit something first.... that LYQ and gang friend are SLACKERS!!!! they like did nothing before the 'grand opening' and went to watch the stupid assembly from third level..... haiz.... first customers of the cafe award goes to..... XIN YU AND JESSICA!!!!!! they came to cafe before we started our business proper... hehx... When the cafe finally opened, it was SO busy that i was screaming or rather shouting at my voice and also running here and there to pass the orders... tired sia..... had a free mango italian soda (paid by huiling, thanks senior!!!), it was nice except it was a bit sour.... stood for the rest of the day until 4 plus.... then we cleaned up the cafe and had our debriefby becca... she sounded soooo camp instructor lah!!!!! hahahs..... went home to rest my knees after that.
school today was kinda ok, except for the debate thing that took place during english class which made everyone in class laughed.... jun yang kept ringing the bell and the ian kept on rattling his theory on the motion with samuel.... junyang then went on posing with the bell... so funny lah!!!! the bell sounded like jun yang was the ice-cream man who tried attracting people to buy ice-cream lah!!!! lols.... {edited}went for CCA later... nothing much to talk about coz that joker was there and was trying to ka-chiao me again.... but then it was him who brought the laughter to us de, so cannot scold him... hehehs.... then went back to work-room to re-wrap a book that was kind of badly wrapped by a junior.... then help auntie to record the new books and those stuff.... joshua came in to slack and had a kind of weird conversation with him...me: u sent hazel home liao ar?joshua: ______________________ (can't exactly remember what he said....)(silence)me: u and hazel stead liao? (stupid me went on asking this kind of crap question.. blur me...)joshua: ya. u also know liao ar... they all big mouth de....(long long awkward silence)joshua: mr lee looks so young here! (he was flipping through the school's yearbook then)me: *sniggers* (dunno what had happened to me then....)*super long awkard silence until chin heng asked him out to play soccer*.-end-.
*****shermaine, FOR YOUR INFO, i'm not going to post about what happened during the debate about the legs!!!!! it's so embarrassing lah!!!! i dun even wnat to think about it lah!!!!!! and please stop telling me how 幸福 i was hor!!!!!!! rrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! i think im blushing.... hahahs.....*****
11 July 2007 @ 20:37:00
Note: there might be some negative words in this entry so i decided to kind of filter them of. but however at the later part of the entry, i decided not to do so in order to let u know what happen exactly... hahas.... enjoy! X) i'm getting happy again..... all thanks to you ms ****!!!! i love you so much!!!! u make me sooo happy and delighted for the rest of my day that i decided to blog this down!!!!! i was feeling so nervy after i finished my oral that i was talking about the oral happenings ever since i stepped into the Quarantine room... aiyah, let's skip this and go straight to the so-called cafe meeting then.
meeting at 1530.. she was early AGAIN.... always like that..... hais..... she started ordering us to do this and that, i tried to be helpful so offered to do things for her.... see? how nice i was and she treated me like that!!!! what the TOOT!!!!! later, after i finished the things she asked me to do, SHE STARTED TREATING ME AS THOUGH I WAS INVISIBLE!!!!! then she asked me to flatten the box for her.... and guess what???? she went on teaching other ppl how to make the lameo thing!!!!!!!! then after for dunno how long, she asked me for help, BUT REALISING THAT I WAS STILL FLATTENING THE BOX (which was my third), SHE DECIDED NOT TO. hello??? WHAT THE HELL WERE U THINKING THEN???? I HAD FLATTEN 3 LARGE AND BULKY BOXES AND U THOUGHT THAT I WAS STILL FLATTENING ONE????? please lah, i'm not that inefficient until i was still doing that same box by the time u call de hor!!!!!! WHAT THE TOOT!!!!!!!fine, if u are gonna treating me like this forever, i won't mind de, coz i will still be nice to u. but why in the first place u want to put my name in the list???? for fun? or u just want to humililate me?????? i mus be tat awful to u all huh.....
8 July 2007 @ 21:56:00
friday was be-yourself-day. wore a casual outfit and i literally feel that shermaine is getting more and more_____.... =.= dun want to say any more.... haiz...... saw yuwen wearing gothic style clothes with xiao xia.... veri punk siah.....class photos were given.... apologies for my poor phototaking skills.....
yesterday was 070707- live earth!!!! did u thought of trying to save the earth???? =)
@ 20:54:00
hahaha.... very funny....
Death through drugs/alcohol

You are going to die drowning after drinking too much/doing too many drugs. Dying like all of the greatest rockers ?because you live like one. You like to party and experiment with perception. Rock on hippie.
Take this quiz at QuizGalaxy.com |
im gonna to die like this???? OMG!!!!!!! hope that this a joke.....
4 July 2007 @ 20:45:00
busy.... so won't be updating the blog as often.....it's getting more and more busy as time goes by, with the opening of the cafe coming up, i still have my coming O levels oral, CCA meetings and.... TONS OF SCHOOL WORK!!!!! *screams* i am beginning to feel the stress coming up liaos.......can't say whether i would want to go for the checking of the cafe tomorrow.... very sian leh.... feel like sleeping in class when ms *** was teaching..... then ended up poking my palm with my pencil in will of trying to keep myself up.... hahahs.....*restlessness....* blehs.....--blogging about yesterday--was cleaning up the cafe with ppl when this bastard came up and ka-chiao us.... sec 1 leh.... still dare to say vulgarities at us.... WHAT THE TOOT lah....... oy we all ur seniors leh, n u still want to fight with us???? fight lah!!! i not scared, as long as you kena caught by mrs yang n something VERY BAD happens to you then, 我就心满意足了.... hahah i sound so bad.... but then, how would you feel if you and your team is trying to clean up a place and this idiot come and disturb u people???? im sure you would feel angry de!!!! all your hard work you have put in you know???? what the heck is this idiot thinking???? ms LYQ and gang, i guess you are attracting some 渣滓 from nowhere to come and disturb us. if not, how come you are talking to him???? i guess you must know him well de ba...**** lah you, asshole!!!!!